Please Arrive 3-5 Minutes Early so we can fill out a short intake form. If you arrive more than 10 minutes early, please wait in the waiting area at the top of the stairs. Obtaining a health history and informed consent is a necessary part of the process, and will help to keep you safe and comfortable through the session. We'll only need to do this for the first session, and if there are any significant updates to your health.
After the initial intake, we'll talk about what you want out of the session. Typically I'll ask if you're coming to me for general relaxation or more specific work, what kind of pressure you like, and things like that. I like to make a plan and talk it through with my clients, to give you an opportunity to modify the session, or make sure you'll be satisfied with the work I'm intending. After that, I'll step out of the room to allow you time to undress to your comfort level, and relax on my massage table.
About Undressing: Most of my clients undress completely, or leave only their underwear on. You will be covered by a sheet (and a blanket and/or towel) for the duration of the session. Using this 'draping,' I will keep you modest, uncovering areas of the body I need to work on, and re-covering them before moving on. *I Don't Massage Undraped Clients.* If there are any areas that you prefer stay covered or would like me to avoid, please indicate this before we begin.
Good communication is very important to massage. Once you're on the table, don't be afraid to tell me if something is making you uncomfortable, whether it be the amount of pressure, the temperature of the table, the position you're laying in, or any other area of concern.
I'll let you know when our time together is up, before stepping out so you can re-dress. I'll ask that you please open the door after dressing, so I know you're ready for me to come back in. Note that my session lengths are hands-on time, meaning if you show up on time, you get all of the time you paid for.
Lastly, I'll ask how you feel, and if you have any feedback before we settle your payment. I accept cash, debit, and all major credit cards through Square. You'll get confirmation and reminder text messages about your future appointments unless you advise me otherwise.
My goal is to make your session as perfect as it can be for you. Please don't hesitate to speak up about what you like and what you don't, and I'll always do my best to accommodate you!